Abandon the past
Throw away the baggage
Suffer no more. avast
Breakaway from the chains and shackles
Which from you, your life, take away;
Breathe again; this time without constraint
And the dreams in your eyes
Forget fear. Forget the barriers and the walls
Even the greatest of mountains on your feet will fall
When you with self-trust stand tall.
Walk away from those who try to cheat on your soul. Don’t stall.
Remember the wisdom of those wiremen The universal law will square all.
Dream and don’t give up
And if they don’t shape up
Try. try once more.
Don’t breakup.
For the race of life
Is won, not, by the fastest or the strongest
But, by the one who can give his all……….
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Choose your obsessions...
Choose your obsessions
For they are unworthy possessions
Trojan horses
They bind you
Without you realizing
They hinder your natural design
And make you completely blind
Choose your obsessions
For they are unworthy possessions;
They are the weeds,
You; yourself choose to grow.
Some seeds are rotten..
Still you keep them, them, you don’t throw.
And after the tsunami
You wonder why you were destroyed
By; your own army…
Choose your obsessions
For they are unworthy possessions;
They determine; the extent of your regression…
Although we must All have some,
Eggs turn into chickens
Choose your obsessions
For they are impressions
Which can determine your future
& Tomorrow’s positions
The journey; and the final decision.
Choose your obsessions
For they are unworthy possessions
confused and composed
I know you are not good for me...But it's worse without you...even when I don't want you...I end up needing you...you are my favouri...
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There is a sadness that sleeps within me, It wakes up only to feed, It says it will eat me alive; A few years down the line. I wash the ...
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