Will you run into my arms the first time you see me,
Just as you whispered to me over the phone,
When my eyes, red from the sleepless night, anxious to see you in reality
Hides its beauty?
Will you embrace me so it feels like forever,
Though the smell of cheap perfume diffuses all over,
And my clothes worn, having refused to be adorned
By whom I'm scorned?
Will you love me tomorrow as you do today,
When I’m lost for words, with nothing to say,
Overwhelmed at the thought that you chose me
From the many hunters, all armed in their beauty?
Will you still love me when I have loved you so much,
That all I do is stand in wait to satisfy your desires in a rush,
And my olive-brown skin no longer glows, but wrinkles
From life’s blows?
Just as you whispered to me over the phone,
When my eyes, red from the sleepless night, anxious to see you in reality
Hides its beauty?
Will you embrace me so it feels like forever,
Though the smell of cheap perfume diffuses all over,
And my clothes worn, having refused to be adorned
By whom I'm scorned?
Will you love me tomorrow as you do today,
When I’m lost for words, with nothing to say,
Overwhelmed at the thought that you chose me
From the many hunters, all armed in their beauty?
Will you still love me when I have loved you so much,
That all I do is stand in wait to satisfy your desires in a rush,
And my olive-brown skin no longer glows, but wrinkles
From life’s blows?